
Bright sunshine
after a spell of overnight drizzle,
brings forth a surprise.

There's someone
right next to the tap,
maintaining a meditative pose
for quite a while.
Hours later,
some movement is noticeable
and pretty soon
it's time for a take off,
as you notice the wings
move ever so slightly.
As you notice the brilliant display
in blue and black
with a classy touch of ochre,
set against the dazzle of sunshine,
the pint-sized charmer proclaims...
I take immense pride
in being part of the
great big insect family. 

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

My office beckons

Endless chatter

Your very own piece of the forest

One minute reads-9

Nature weaves tales-11

World Environment Day 2018 - A bit of caring

Not just a tree