
Showing posts from December 2, 2018

Choosing a path

A visitor making his way over the lush grass, a new territory, showing off his dark garb, seems to be making a statement. Look closely. You'll find that I prefer treading/creating my own path. I do try to stand out... just like my friend, the snail.

Green medicine

After a long journey in a winged machine, soaring at great heights, with my legs longing for freedom from cramped confines, a refreshing spectacle draws my travel weary legs. The sight makes me jog my memory... going  back to celebrating those colour days, of tiny hands running out lugging a basket. Purpose: To fetch the maximum number of colours... be it an assortment of leaves, flowers, stones or seeds.


My eye chances upon a few pieces of craft - one... enjoying the sunny outdoors, the other... in air conditioned comfort and adding to the beauty of a wall. Each requires special skills, loads of patience and years of practice. Each, a telling example of the fruits of toil, in its own way. Nature unleashes a class of masterpieces... standing proud, alongside, traditional craftsmanship. 

A trayful of memories

The tray packed with dates arrived and one look at the tray brought back memories of sparkling n' mischievous eyes... of eyes waiting impatiently for many many days, eager for the batch of seeds to sprout. One bright, sunny morning, when  the sunflowers were nodding their cheery hellos, cajoling the sun to turn their  way, a pair of sandal clad, little feet dashed into the garden, over the soft and dewy  grass, beneath the canopy of the orange tree to have a look, with eyes posing the question... 'Will today be the day?' Sudden screams and an agitated childish voice had me stumped for a minute. 'Oh no!' 'So scary!' 'Go away you nasty creatures!' 'Who is the mischief maker?' 'Who spoilt my little garden?' 'I thought it would look beautiful!' 'Where did the tentacles come from?' One look at the tray, had me trying hard to control my laughter. A little explanation, followed by a cl...

When your plant turns teacher

The gently swaying Hibiscus plant seems to be whispering a secret. Journeying together can be a relatively smooth process... The fragile bud gaining exposure in weathering many a storm. The fully mature n' vibrant blossom spreading wholesome cheer. The gracefully fading yet endearing blossom, a testimony to lessons in living. 

Tea with flecks of colour

Caring for a couple of potted plants has a double benefit. Your morning tea tray knocks you over with a colourful surprise. Refreshing wisps of green, pink, yellow and purple seep their way in through drowsy eyelids, alongside the stimulating aroma of tea that inches its way through distended nostrils, a potent combine,  that attempts to to stimulate those lethargic brain cells, to shake off their slumber.