
Showing posts from May 13, 2018

A specialist takes over

Help at hand for a wounded neighbour who needs some cheering up. Spreading  layers of green healers to help soothen the scars Offering comfort to allay the sense of acute disfigurement. The dismembered pieces of a 'once-pulsing-with-life' green citadel, lying uncared for, are  perking up and regaining  lost vitality thanks to soft touches of green.

A show of unity

We believe in collective effort. Consider it as banding together for a common cause. We are happy being together plus there is an added benefit. Our bonds are growing  stronger.

Inching upwards

The journey is long, painstakingly slow but when I reach my destination and my goals are met, it does make the effort seem worthwhile. Hello! Now I can sit back and relax and enjoy the view. The colour strikes a chord within me.

Curiouser and curiouser

I am desperately seeking that extra bit of attention . So here I am, ready with an unusual display. Showing off a swollen belly. Sporting a hump like a camel. Umm! Don't turn squeamish. Just a case of boils, maybe... I may look different but I am still your friendly neighbourhood tree.

From darkness to light

Whether  dark hued or of a light shade both of us happily co-exist in the same or similar terrain. We are both equal. There are no 'I am up, you are down,' kind of feelings here. There is enough space for both our generations to move ahead side by side. The idea is quite simple. Just respect each other.

A medley of flavours

That eagerly awaited season, you and me have been longing for, is here. I spy three different types: a. The highly sour type b. The hard skinned country variety, with 'ummango like' zero sourness. c. The best of the lot according to veterans. Also, a long time favorite of the kings. Having had my fill, I am trying something new. Umm! Tastes good. I'll cheerily add... I am not a picky eater.

Mother and child

I am really really thrilled! It's  time for the 'up close and cosy' hour with mom in the garden. Peering closely... capturing the awesome vibrancy of colours. Spotting a feather... Could the owner be nearby? Unlocking the mystery of fallen seeds and seed pods. A fascinating journey... into the realm of shapes. Watching out for hungry ants that sneak in and  circle around. Tired out. Need to rest but before that... counting some tasty brown treats. Treasured memories of enjoyable and sometimes wacky moments outdoors.