
Showing posts from July 22, 2018

The green mystery

I wish... those curiosity laden, eager eyes, would turn this way, for viewing a simple yet mysterious spectacle, that goes on unnoticed day after day... the unfurling of a leaf. Eyes are very often tuned towards a more engrossing and glorified process, the unfurling of my colourful blossoming friends bemoans... a green crusader.


A show of skills: Nature's high-end expertise in the technique of camouflage is unmatchable. Quick! I'd better hide... says a lil' someone quite glaringly visible and longing desperately for a green cloak. 


We take pride in sticking together. Just celebrating that...  'part of a family' feeling.  Unboxing Nature's pristine offerings: Bunches of joy bringing on those countless captivated smiles.

A brush with nature

Just what we need! A feather touch brush... to dust off those worries, frowns, glitches, recurring problems, unsurmountable obstacles and soothen those  weary eyes.


Hello! Its been quite a while since we last met. Guess what we're talking about? "Know of anyone who can change this humid weather?" "How about ordering  me a wholesome meal?"

A clear vision

I am in a happy mood right now, and wish to share with you, my preferences. I would choose the view up rather than the view below. Many  of my companions would agree.

Window shopping

I am seriously thinking of building a new home. I am considering a few locations, particularly, the ones that are pleasing to the eye. I've been totally  impressed by what I've seen and finding it difficult to decide. Which one do you think would offer me the best view?