Homegrown delight
Striking green! This was the first impression, bringing to mind images of picture perfect green fields, pleasing to the eye. Eager hands dug into the soil to plant broken bits of spinach stems, waited and watched as days flew past... until one sunny morning, eyes widened at the sight of tender tufts of baby leaves peeping out, their green heads turned towards the blue sky as if to say my hue is as bright as yours. Nurtured and watered by caring arms, they grew surrounded by jumping squirrels and noisy crows, to reach full splendour. Plucked and tossed by expert hands, turned into a spinach stew with a dash of lentils, even the ever finicky connoisseur of food was compelled to award an A+ for this homegrown treat, which had that something extra, aside from the all pervasive aroma of pepper. A taste that lingered on in experienced taste buds as compared to shopped stuff. Time to say hello to homegrown garden treats.