
Showing posts from July 21, 2019

It happens...

Sometimes... a tree that's been there for long, tends to be ignored or is taken for granted and when it suddenly falls, after an overnight pounding, by  a combined duo  - the wind and the rain, the outpouring of emotions, visible inside my eye, would run to pages. There are moments, when, such feelings, have to be temporarily put aside, for it offers an opportunity to admire the thick foliage that would otherwise be high up, out of reach and examine the many delicate buds nestled inside, which, unfortunately, will never unfurl. The wrenching pain returns, as I imagine the manner in which it was torn off from the trunk, with what was probably a  loud, screeching noise, which was masked by the fierce thunderstorm, that raged outside in the middle of the night, whilst, I was deep inside... the land of  Nod.

Endless chatter

The conversation went on ... The listener's eyes remained glued to the scene while her mouth moved, as the various parts were pointed out. Adult: Here are the roots. Child: Oooh! Adult: They call it 'the stem'. Child: Aah! So strong. Adult: See the branches spread out. Child:  Ha, ha!  Dancing to the wind. Adult: Touch and feel the leaves. Child: Shh! The ants are playing. Adult: See the baby buds Child: Open, open!  See me. Adult: A happy red flower. Child: Wow! May I touch it? Adult: Someone has seen it first. Child: Hey! I'm willing to share. Nature smiles... as endless tales are spun in its midst.

Subduing the grey

A cloudy day but... soft wings, agile feet, fair petals - collaborate. Sunny patches sing.

A day-long performance

The soggy bougainvilleas have news to share: A dull, grey morning with a slight drizzle,  just beginning. The birds have gone missing.  Darkness creeps into the 'once sunlit' spaces. The slightly wet landscape savours the aura that portends rain. A 'rain induced' lethargic air seeps in through the windows. The water from the taps is different... the cold feel offers a peek into that 'fresh face' of Nature, bringing goosebumps. The once hot air has given way to cool draughts, which serve as smile inducers replacing those 'heat-weary' sighs. The wet walls  seem happy  to shake off the layers of dust. The sparkly sand shows off its new, 'more natural' texture. The 'new look' tree trunk is enjoying the water art. The tiny, 'musically inclined' puddles, vy with each other,  to grow bigger and muddier. The lingering flavour of steaming cups of tea and ho...