The sight of a thriving, small patch of green, which hits my eye the moment I step outdoors, with its gaily swinging, fluttery, yellow blossoms, makes me pause, coz, it's a proud showpiece, carefully nurtured by small hands. Here and there... in this green patch, are tiny green sticks nestled amongst the leaves, that will most likely, metamorphose into fresh bunches of string beans in the near future, giving rise to a sense of fulfilment, plus accomplishment, also a feel of contributing 'my mite,' inside a particular, caring n' tender heart. A sense of pride is awakened, when tiny feet patter into the kitchen, swinging a small basket, filled with bits of refreshing green produce, which is then put on display for the world...friends and family, to see, feel, smell, their ears open wide to hear the engrossing tale... of greedy ants wanting their share. The produce is then spread out and hands delve into the pods with immense ...