
Showing posts from July 14, 2019

Not just a tree

The trees are whispering... we need to do something to draw attention and their strategy has worked. The 'oohs and aahs,' are spontaneous. A 'bleeeding'- traumatized tree. Once upon a time - The Dino World

One minute reads-8

Shh! 'We're  busy working on a magic spell,' whisper the tiny droplets. Days pass by with no one noticing the difference, until one morning, a long  withered tree, given the thumbs down, shows glimpses of  magic - tiny green sprigs. Eyes exclaim... What a spell! Rain fast tracks Nature's revival project.

A pack of smiles

Today's jottings: An overcast sky and havoc caused by micro-sized allergens. The pollen are everywhere and so are those... watery eyes, runny noses, sneezing fits but someone... who remained hidden all of last night, enjoying the soft drizzle, has just now decided, it's time for a comeback and has begun releasing a pack of smiles this morning, insisting that, you be at hand to receive some.

A battle in the sky

"Jumped out of my skin," would suffice to describe the events which unfolded last night. Like a million flashing cameras, lightning opened its act, playing upon my nerves, lighting up darkened windows, making the room sway dizzily with psychedelic lights. Just when I thought it had stopped, a raging thunderbolt rattled the skies above, raining high decibel hammers that refused to die down, amidst a downpour that rose to  a crescendo, matching the tempo of the battle raging overhead, gradually dropping to soft 'now and then' notes, until thunder and lightning with a grim sort of determination, joined forces to gain a stranglehold, over the fast paced act in a dramatic fashion, making my head ache, lulling me into a restive doze. The morning sun's gentle  beams, playing upon my cheeks, whispered... I've brought something to calm those frayed nerves.