
Showing posts from August 5, 2018

A scenic location

A piece of ... shimmery parchment atop a leaf makes me pause awhile. I look up. It is true! Even in urban sprawls you do find the occasional scenic spots. Bookings have begun for visitors to pitch their tents in this snug hideout. The visitors list is growing by the day as word spreads.


Age and wrinkles do not diminish our presence echoes the chorus from a group of crinkly, day old blossoms, displaying their winsome and graceful vitality.

Gutsy workers

A busy morning. Our work is almost done. Awaiting orders from higher ups for the next task. Sorting out the details - the job location, job summary, job duties, strategy, work allocation and hazards, if any. The new job location... has been sighted. A detour is deemed necessary.

Welcome visitors

There's  a spring in your step as you head outdoors. Nature has sent in a batch of visitors who are all set to flaunt their skills. Attempting to leap to an inviting and rain 'freshened' spot nearby says a spunky acrobat whose size belies his skills. I wish to join you adds another acrobat, showing off an embossed, metallic brown coat, while attempting to judge the distance, wind speed, and the level of stretching needed. The picture of intense focus simply means...confident of making that perfect leap.

Serenading the sun

        A radiant ensemble.   Spunky golden rays seep in   setting the sand aglow.   Dazzling and pretty,   a yellow postcard flutters   carting sunny smiles.            An epic journey.  A  green haloed sun rests  in a mellow mood.  A  yellow palette. Bees and butterflies await their warm golden coats.            

Friendly overtures: A green friend

Happy to be your friend says your friendly neighbourhood... keep me handy in a pot or on your window sill 'Aloe Vera' plant, inviting you with molecules of natural freshness. Warm Greetings with plenty of those friendly moments on ...Friendship Day!

Backyard drama

Scene 1: Lying in wait The  opportune moment arrives. Scene 2: Predator vs prey Scene 3: Capture Scene 4: Manoeuvres In Nature's science classroom... time simply flies.