Gone in a jiffy

Another torrid Sunday afternoon,
when even your latest gadget
holds less appeal,
enveloping the kitchen and the surrounding environs
with an irresistible aroma,
thanks to a magical blend of
coarsely ground pulses,
red chillies and choppped greens,
sensed by fast twitching nostrils,
making fingers quiver in anticipation,
is the long wanted treat.
The 'you-simply-can't-let-me-go'
eyeball grabbing masala vada
announces its presence.

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

My office beckons

Endless chatter

Your very own piece of the forest

One minute reads-9

Nature weaves tales-11

World Environment Day 2018 - A bit of caring

Not just a tree