Not a villa, condo or apartment
An apt description of how we feel after slogging the whole day . Busy at building a...
Wait and watch.
Call us the 'fighting fit' construction workers (you may even learn stuff from us) and we do deserve some refreshments.
Bring them on fast coz we've been asked to speed up the work by the supervisor and carrying sand is a tough job much like carrying a school bag.
Gather around to watch us in action but do not disturb.
An apt description of how we feel after slogging the whole day . Busy at building a...
Wait and watch.
Call us the 'fighting fit' construction workers (you may even learn stuff from us) and we do deserve some refreshments.
Bring them on fast coz we've been asked to speed up the work by the supervisor and carrying sand is a tough job much like carrying a school bag.
Gather around to watch us in action but do not disturb.
You do feel we deserve 'likes', don't you?