Pinpricks will go

A surfeit of lemons
stare from the basket.

The outcome,
glasses of refreshing lemon juice,
grandma's red or yellow pickle
a tangy drip drip
added to stews, dals, rice,
plus lemons distributed to one and all.

Looking thankfully
at my lemon plant,
I notice a difference.

Leaves gathered together,
almost like being stitched.
Upon closer look...
a crisis situation.

The trouble maker arrives,
his troops follow.

The a word...SCARY

The gathering gets busier.
Decision is made -
ravaging troops to scatter
all over the garden.

The lionhearted lemon plant
stands incredibly brave,
knowing help will arrive.

Has weathered many a storm,
a jumble of ups and downs.

High up in the sky above,
the dark clouds holding sway,
seem to have melted away.

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

One minute reads-9

Endless chatter

Nature weaves tales-11

Your very own piece of the forest

My office beckons

Nature adds depth

Not just a tree