Shh! It's a classroom

You'll no find no desks here.
Neither a blackboard
nor a smartboard.

No chalk or duster
but nevertheless
call it a quaint classroom,
teeming with
unexpected surprises.

Fellow classmates
are the bold butterflies,
the bellicose bees, curious squirrels,
talkative birds and hardworking ants.

From tender buds

to exquisitely crafted flowers,
to the beginnings of wee fruits,
to  lil' fruits proudly growing up,

to exciting bunches of lemony delights,

to a hidden giant nudged out gently

a 'LESSON' unfolds.

Nature has thrown open  the doors
of her glorious classroom.

Uff! A hot day.
The gentle sea breeze
laughs as she swings by.

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

My office beckons

Endless chatter

Your very own piece of the forest

One minute reads-9

Nature weaves tales-11

World Environment Day 2018 - A bit of caring

Not just a tree