Opening an album

Fluttery, dancing,
sprightly butterflies
make me sigh...

How time flies!

blowing balloons
which go 'pop' in an instant
to flying those
'I-simply-refuse-to-fly' kites.

days filled with
moulding unshapely mud pies,
messy sessions of finger painting,
crazily 'curious' days...
amassing golden leaves and seeds,
creating sticky artwork
that leaves adults in tears.

whispering  funny secrets,
splashing water amidst squeals,
presenting pouting pink lips
thanks to licking lollipops,
jumping upon sand castles
while collecting seashells,
discovering a 'bear shaped' cloud,
talking nonsense to the beaming stars while beckoning a cheery moon.

yearning for claps while preening
as  'dressed up' grandma
before a sly 'winking' mirror,
holding sway as a stern teacher
over a class of errant pupils...
dad being enrolled as one
or simply trying out mum's dresses
as a wannabe fasionista.

running hard yet unable to catch
those winged beauties - the dragonflies,
sprinkling water over
a queue of greedy ants,
blowing bubbles over grandpa's head,
mimicking the 'caw caw' tune
of the raucous crow
and feeding  scampering squirrels.

little hands covering dad's eyes
catching him unawares,
kicking the ball high
into the neighbour's yard,
being a jump rope artiste,
whoops of victory after
playing hide and seek or
chatting with a gigantic,
blooming Flame (of the Forest) tree.

munching crispy potato fritters
on  dull, rainy days,
heads bent over
a game of snakes and ladders,
racing outside for a twig
to trace 'funny looking'
grandpa upon wet sand,
a little umbrella waiting nearby
for that inevitable rain dance.

plaiting grandma's long hair,
skilled fingers rolling clay
to come up with a 'once seen' beetle,
running around
driving an imaginary bus,
making honking noises,
pressing one lil' nose
against a wet windowpane
to count the sparkly raindrops,
lil' fingers engaged in
scribbling countless wet 'smileys'
plus teary drops
when the paper boat turns turtle.

Such glorious, huggable,
childhood moments!

The butterflies
have moved over
to a more serious business -
of seeking food.

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

One minute reads-9

Endless chatter

Nature weaves tales-11

Your very own piece of the forest

My office beckons

Nature adds depth

Not just a tree