All is not lost

Here I am...
looking bare, desolate,
shorn of my vital parts
but all the same,
getting attention
from endless batches of
selfie hunters,
thanks to a bubbling,
effervescent neighbour
plummeting over rocks,
in a 'happy-go-lucky' mood
that is contagious.

The forceful flow
is drawing oohs and aahs
from an enraptured audience
but I don't really mind

coz I am constantly
drenched in spray from
cool n' friendly rivulets,
that trickle down effortlessly,
driving away my morbid thoughts.

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

My office beckons

Endless chatter

Your very own piece of the forest

One minute reads-9

Nature weaves tales-11

World Environment Day 2018 - A bit of caring

Not just a tree