A pleasant dream

When the leaves call it a day,
when the blossoms fade away,
when the stars spread
their dazzling blanket
and all is silent except for
the noises from television sets,
the honking traffic outside.
the voices on phones plus
the echoing multitude of ringtones and
the occasional chirping of insects...
Nature unveils surprise treats
in pink and white.
demolishing the starkness
of its dark landscape.
The Evening Primrose at 10 pm

A Jasmine variety at 8 pm

Call us the 'late bloomers'
but we can hold our own
against the 'morning larks'.

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

My office beckons

Endless chatter

Your very own piece of the forest

One minute reads-9

Nature weaves tales-11

World Environment Day 2018 - A bit of caring

Not just a tree