Sunrise in the hills

An inching forth mellowy glow
and burnished streaks of gold
that delicately dab a coating over
every bit of furniture in your room,
in the early hours of the day,
propel your feet to seek the window.

The glorious spectacle,
unfolding through the glass pane,
the  fiery blob of  golden butter
in the awakening Eastern sky
that melts and overflows,
yummy tidbits of sunrise...
has you in a thrall.

The tall trees serving as curtains
reveal a bit and then some more
 At  Uttarakhand

and when the sun decides...
it's showtime, folks,
even the most diehard of sleepyheads,
whose face is splayed with the
vibrant orange fingers of sunlight,
would agree...
no matter how many times
they've seen it...
it is simply irrestible.
The game is over in a while.
The  sun is the hands down winner.

The winner soon moves
to  higher echleons
to lord it over the others.

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

One minute reads-9

Endless chatter

Nature weaves tales-11

Your very own piece of the forest

My office beckons

Nature adds depth

Not just a tree