Those 'humour-filled' times

The shutters are open and
like the water gushing out from a dam,
memories just keep flowing:
Little fingers are busy arranging
the tiny pots and pans,
the mini ladles and  spoons
plus the tiny stove
on the stone seat in the front porch.

An assortment of leaves, seeds, flowers
buds, twigs and stones are placed
into tiny bowls - the ingredients.
The pint-sized lady cook and
her elderly assistant are ready.

A cooking session is on.

Wrinkled hands drop the leaves
into the tiny pot.
Little fingers count-1 2,3 ,4...
place the seeds and flowers
inside another pan.
It's the turn of the spices next...
those broken twigs, buds and stones.

Time to.pour water
from a teenie-weenie kettle.

A pestle is used.
Little fingers strike hard.
The slushy mush inside the pot
makes grandpa grin.

Swish..the gas is turned on.
The salt and pepper borrowed from grandma's jars find their way in.

Two eager noses breathe in the wonderful smell.
Stir stir...

Tup ..the gas lever  is off.

A pink  handkerchief is used to lift the 'hot' vessel down.
Wrinkled hands ready the plates
with a wicked smile.
Rice and Sambar are doled out.

A doctor guest arrives.
The plate is offered.
He wrinkles his nose,
pretends to eat,
utters a loud 'wow', rolls his tongue,
turns the other way


clutches his heart! And tummy!
(Acts like he needs a stomach soother!)

Grandpa tells him -
'you'd  better learn cooking,'
a stern look on his face,
'join me for the next cooking lesson.'

The little one is distracted by the
antics of a noisy crow.

The doctor and the elderly cook
step aside for a hearty laugh.

The strange looking meal
goes into the compost heap.

Next on the agenda:
Massaging grandpa's bald pate
and making a ponytail out of the
wisps of white hair
sticking out from behind his head.

πŸ’šMemories of a naughty twosome:πŸ’š
A fun loving grandpa and
a hyperactive granddaughter.

The armchair in the porch
has many a tale to tell.

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

One minute reads-9

Endless chatter

Nature weaves tales-11

Your very own piece of the forest

My office beckons

Nature adds depth

Not just a tree