A daily task

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Grandma is busy carrying something.
What could it be?
Left over specks of curd
stuck inside grandma's bowl,
are crying for attention.

Enter a bowl of water
wherein, grandma soaks her veggies,
to dissolve the dirt and grime.

No! Not thrown down the drain.
Instead, this gets added to
grandma's empty  curd bowl,
and is now ready
to travel outside...
The Result.

The curry leaf plant
in her backyard, enjoys the
tangy buttermilk drink.
Weeks later, it turns out
that these curry  leaves
are extra tasty, extra fresh.

The Next stop on the journey:

The water used for washing greens
is collected.

A companion on this journey,
is the water used to wash rice.

Grandma's mollycoddled rose plant,
waving cheerily through the window,
is the lucky recipient, of this combined, nutrient rich, coloured water.
Grandma's plants are lucky.

They get to savour a
Superchef's concoction,
almost every day,
thanks to these 'three tricks,'
she uses very often.

Grandma jots down in her diary:

Today... I did my wee bit
to conserve water.

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