A gurgle of laughter

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The child was excited.

The bottle was ready
and so was her plastic bucket
filled with water.

The task: to fill the bottle
without spilling the water.

Could she do it?

'Focus,' said her mind
but her fingers were shaky.

Just a matter of acquiring
that 'finger-hand-eye' coordination.

Oh no! The water spilt.
'Never mind,'  consoled grandma.
'Try again.'

This time...
the bottle stood upright
inside a bowl.

Whatever was spilt
fell into the bowl
and was fed to the plant nearby.

After many tries...
the child laughed aloud.
She had done it.

There were claps all around.
Not a drop was spilt.

A gurgling sound...
the child enjoyed cool sips,
from the water,
she had painstakingly
filled into the bottle.

Nature ensures...
Learning is fun.

Water series:6

Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

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