A tale retold

The teacher began...

I am searching for something,
that, at times,
tastes more delicious
than your favourite ice cream.

Can be had...
anytime, anyplace,
warm or cold.

Removes my headache.
Makes me feel like I am alive again.

Mellows me down to a
happier frame of mind.

Gives a super fresh feel
to my skin and body cells.

Tastes good with friends.
Can even help me make new ones.

Helps me earn many a smile
or a heartfelt 'thank you' when shared.

Can be had free or for a price.

Cools tempers.
Soothens whimpers.
Dissolves anger.

Has countless fans...
the eye, the throat,
the head, the tongue,
the hands and feet included.

Could be the instigator of
fun, sad, exasperating or
irritable moments.

Can be the focal point
on many a table,

A mounting challenge
in several localities.

Tastes extra special
after a struggle to get it.

A must have companion,
whom children have always loved
down the ages.

A clue...
look in your bags.

Water...sang the children
in a chorus.

Water winds its coils
across hearts,
crossing the divide.

Water Series: 2

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

One minute reads-9

Endless chatter

Nature weaves tales-11

Your very own piece of the forest

My office beckons

Nature adds depth

Not just a tree