When the smile returns

Peering into the glass of water
in your hand,
your mind shifts back,
miles away...

The eyes are searching
for something.
Where is it ?

The tiny n' round prescribed pill,
broken into two halves,
nestled inside a small palm,
lies waiting.

Minutes tick away...
and a hand stretches out
with a cup.

Ah! Water at last.
The action begins.

Water trickles inside the throat
along with a half portion of the pill.

The small face contorts.
You can hear screams and groans.
Water spills.

Did the pill go in?
No, no!

It is stuck...
somewhere on the tongue,
which tries and tries,
desperately, to dislodge it.

More water goes in.
Some more is needed.

Tender hands soothe.
A calm voice cajoles.

Comforting hands hold tight
those anxious n' flailing arms.

Then comes a cough,
a bit of spluttering
and some tears, plus,
a bitter taste in the mouth.

Amidst the copious tears,
inside the usually cheery eyes
of a brave n' young pill taker,
who is wanting to  look 'grown up,'
who thinks exams are
a hundred times easier,
you can easily spot
the beginnings of a smile,
on trembling lips.

Did the pill go in?
Yes, yes!

Already she  feels better.

Water has kickstarted
the healing process.

Her eyes smile,
as her arms stretch out
for more water.

An ordeal is over.

More water goes in
and the tongue is
free of the bitter coating.

This must rank first,
among the list of
'must share' experiences,
with her pals.

A chocolate awaits.

Oh no!
'Now, let's start again,' says a voice.

The second half
of the pill is handed over.

Water glistens from inside the cup.

Water series:7

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

One minute reads-9

Endless chatter

Nature weaves tales-11

Your very own piece of the forest

My office beckons

Nature adds depth

Not just a tree