What would we do?

Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
The clock struck 4 pm.
It meant 'kitchen time'
for the little cook.

Little hands juggled the lemons,
fingered the warts on the shiny skin.

A smelling session followed
for a whiff of that lemony scent.

The cut halves were examined,
discussed and squeezed hard.

The juice from a few lemons
trickled into a jug.

The seeds were filtered and removed.
(Therein lies another tale.)

The required amount of sugar
was measured and added.

The next step.
Water entered the experiment.

The juice made by
'doubly active' hands,
was ready to be served.

The 'filled to the brim' cups
reached the nearby table,
where a group of
'ready to cheer' family members,
awaited their summer evening
dose of refreshment.

The little one awaited their response.
How many 'wows' did she count?

Her lips trembled.

'Uggh! Aah!'
She closed her ears.

She could spot faces screwed up,
mouths making disgusting noises,
faces trying to hide  laughter.

Wise grandma pointed to the water.

Some more was added and
the smiles reappeared.
Along came the 'wows'.

'You let me down'...muttered
a little voice, angrily,
to the juice left in the jug.

'No,' admonished grandma.
'You forgot to taste it first.
Water did make your juice taste better.'

Hours later,
grandma heard a solemn voice,
telling her doll...

'You need plenty of water.'
'What would we do without water?'

Water Series:9

Intriguing Bytes

Water weeps...

Those few drops

Hear them calling!

One minute reads-9

Endless chatter

Nature weaves tales-11

Your very own piece of the forest

My office beckons

Nature adds depth

Not just a tree